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Logan's run TV series (1977) Jessica (Heather Menzies) then and now

Logan's run TV series Logan (Gregory Harrison), and Jessica (Heather Menzies) before and after. (sources: Logan's Run and http://heathe­rmenziesuri­
Undou­btedly one of the best science fiction series of all time. Two outcasts roam a post apocal­yptic world, encoun­tering various people and Orwellian societies living in isolation from each other. Reminds one to an extent of The Prisoner, but with a take on modern day society, rather than the indivi­dual's dehuma­nization by it. Like the prisoner, this series only has a few episodes, but each episode is set in an entirely different set.

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Nick Name
That was a great show.
Anonymous April 08, 2022 09:34 PM